Friday, April 29, 2011
April 29 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: As Intricate As A Pattern In Their Rugs - Byzantine Politics And Afghan-Pakistani Relations
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 8:05 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
» The death toll is now over 300 and rescue crews are still digging through the rubble in Alabama and Mississippi in the wake of massive Eastern U.S. storms that have ravaged the region over the last few days. Missouri has reported massive damage as well but no death toll yet.
» This morning will see the last launch of the the space shuttle Endeavour. Mark Kelly husband of Gabrielle Giffords, the congress member shot in Arizona by a disturbed young man during a "Meet and Greet" with constituents, will be piloting. Congresswoman Giffords has recovered miraculously from a bullet wound to her brain and will be attending, as will president Obama who will stop in after surveying the previously reported storm damage in Alabama, where a declaration of emergency is in place.
» Byzantine IS the word... The New York Times is reporting the government of Pakistan is urging president Karzai of Afghanistan to find a new ally besides the US in their war. The Pakistani ambassador to the U.S. is denying the story claiming it was a plot by Afghans who weren't reaping the benefits of the US presence in Afghanistan. In other words, they're sabotaging US-Afghani relations because they want THEIR cousins to be in charge of protecting the convoys for the US payoff instead of president Karzai's cousins. Karzai's brother is also duly noted by yours truly as a mover and shaker in the Opium smuggling industry that funds most of Afghanistan's 'normal' economy. More in the commentary.
However, it MIGHT behoove the Afghan nationals who work for or profit from the Afghan/American government to make a note that they are being targeted as "Quislings" ...from the Afghan resistance, "Statement of the Leadership Council of the Islamic Emirate Regarding the Inception of the Spring Operations":
"Since members of the American espionage agencies, government officials of the Puppet Administration and enemies of the Afghan people and Jihad have ensconced themselves in the so-called Peace Council and are trying to pave the way for the prolongation of the American occupation by cashing in on the name of Jihad, religion and tribal chieftainship,; wants to prevent Mujahideen from waging Jihad against the invaders and are urging the Afghan Mujahid people to accept American slavery and surrender, therefore, members of the Council can be target of the Mujahideen attacks during the operations as, in view of their role, they are considered official members of the ranks of the enemy. "In OTHER Afghanistan news, the Washington Post reports Afghan officials are considering the institution of a military draft, replacing the current volunteer system. "The idea is still in the "discussion," rather than "implementation," stage. The move would relieve "worry about the ability of the United States and its NATO allies to foot the massive costs of the security forces for many years into the future".
Got that? We're going to be involved militarily and financially in Afghanistan for "many years into the future", as the situation currently stands.
Meanwhile Hamid Karzai "has worried that devoting too much of the state's resources to the security forces, projected to be 310,000-strong later this year, could create an entitled military class with imposing political power that could undermine civilian authority," (meaning HIS authority). Which means Afghanistan would be just like Pakistan. A "democracy" overseen by the military. More @ the Washington Post.
» We HEART Friendly Fire - NATO airstrikes in our Libyan war have hit the CIA rebel army in Misrata again and they say it's Okey-Doke with them. It's the only thing saving them from being overwhelmed by government forces.
That leads to a pertinent question asked by Micah Zenko at Foreign Policy... Flashpoints:
FP Flashpoints: Was Libya a Mistake?» Just like a fairy tale... but not - In London Prince William has married Catherine 'the commoner' amidst massive pomp, circumstance, ceremony, and over-arching police state presence. Expect your weekend MSM news reading to be filled with details about that, which by rote will cause nothing to be reported about the following (Courtesy of Foreign Policy magazine):
Think Again: LibyaMore than a month after the first bombs fell on Muammar al-Qaddafi's forces, the assumptions that led the United States into the war have mostly been proven wrong -- and a strategy to end it is still nowhere in sight.BY MICAH ZENKO | APRIL 28, 2011
"Allies Will Pick Up the Slack."
Don't bet on it. When the United States and its allies went to war in Libya five and a half weeks ago, it wasn't supposed to be much of a war at all. U.S. President Barack Obama's decision to intervene was based on the assumption that nearby states more directly impacted by the state of affairs in Libya, such as Britain and France, would lead the charge. The United States, according to Obama, would lead with "days, not weeks" of military action, thus "shaping the conditions for the international community to act together." Many in Washington, though aware that the United States has unique capabilities essential to early stages of no-fly zone implementation, assumed it would be easy to pass the buck. As vocal intervention proponent Sen. Lindsay Graham would later concede, "When we call[ed] for a no-fly zone, we didn't mean our planes."
Much of this assumption had to do with the Arab League. On March 12, the regional organization threw its weight behind the Libyan revolution, denouncing "the fatal violations and serious crimes at the hands of Libyan authorities" and calling on the U.N. Security Council to impose a no-fly zone over the country. "The main priority right now is to stop the deadly situation," Secretary-General Amr Moussa said at the time. U.S. officials highlighted the league's March 12 resolution as an endorsement of action from the region; Secretary of State Hillary Clinton referred to "a sense of urgency that was precipitated by the Arab League's courageous stand."
But when the bombs actually started to fall on Libya -- as they invariably do when enforcing a no-fly zone -- the league hastily pulled back, and Moussa harangued allied forces for allegedly causing "the deaths and injuries of many Libyan civilians... [In Full @ Foreign Policy]
» Israeli Foreign Minister Lieberman says the world should not recognize the new Palestinian government and legitimize a government that includes Hamas.
» At least four Palestinians, including two children, are injured as an Israeli tank 'pops off a few rounds' in central Gaza.
» Yemeni President Saleh threatens to quit transition deal, accusing Qatar of 'conspiracy.'
» There has been a bombing in a popular Moroccan tourist spot, killing 16 people. The attack is being blamed on "al Qaeda".
» Protesters stage a rally in southern parts of Oman for the second Friday in a row.
In OTHER News:
» Haiti. remember Haiti? Corrupt UN run government that had almost totally un-reported elections recently after disaster delays. Now the election results are being delayed as well.
The damage from the earthquake last year is no longer front page news even as Cholera spreads through the refugee camps and crime runs rampant leading yours truly, and Foreign Policy In Focus to ask:
Haiti's Reconstruction: Who Benefits?
By Daniel Moss, April 27, 2011
Georges Marie is a proud and angry Haitian lawyer who lost her husband in the earthquake. As she mourned, the humanitarian industry exploded.
She watched with concern as Port au Prince's narrow streets became clogged with white Land Rovers, each stamped with an aid agency logo on the driver's door. It still rankles her when the humanitarians dine and dance in a four-star restaurant overlooking the Place Boyer, a public square now strung with tarps, home to some of the million-plus people still displaced from the 2010 earthquake.
Some aid organizations, Georges Marie said, don't pay taxes required to operate in Haiti although to be fair it's quite possible that the under-resourced Haitian state has never asked. Others don't fulfill local hiring mandates, placing foreigners in positions that Haitians could fill although, to be fair, many development agencies try hard to hire locally but are thwarted by a fierce brain drain. Quebec, said Georges Marie, offers Cuban-trained Haitian doctors a license to practice and a plane ticket. La industrie de misere, she called it our misery, their jobs... [In Full]
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
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Thursday, April 28, 2011
April 28 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Robbed By 'Bandits' - Why The 'Petraeus Plan' Failed So Dramatically In Afghanistan
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 20:20 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
[Yeah... I know... I've played this before but it's just soooo apropos. After the commentary, a little taste of the Big Muddy, Afghanistan edition. Courtesy of Alabama3 and Skidmark Bob @ pOp dEFECT Radio ("Subversive music for dangerous times") on the AJ remix]
» As reported yesterday there have been three weeks of killer storms in the Mid and Southeast of the US and last night storms struck all across Alabama Mississippi and Georgia with 250 mph winds, buses and buildings turned over and there are at least 130 people dead in Alabama alone with the other states not having reported yet. Tuscaloosa Al has no infrastructure left, FEMA is in operation, and the president has signed an emergency declaration.
» As a result of the storms yesterday there was a controlled shutdown of all three units at TVA's Browns Ferry nuclear plant in Alabama due to loss of (external) power. According to the plant's operator the shutdown proceeded normally.
» Helluva Job Dave! With General Petraeus' transfer to service as the new director of the CIA and yesterday's attack by a veteran Afghan pilot that killed eight US trainers, reports say there are 181 thousand national police on Afghanistan's payroll and out of that number 120,000 are actually "out there". The other 61,000 may not exist at all with the money AND uniforms regularly used in attacks on ISAF forces in rebel hands. More in the commentary.
Meanwhile, in the war WE allegedly won... By getting the hell out of the way after we destabilized the society, politics, and culture of the country:
AFP - A car bomb on Thursday killed five people in northern Iraq, including a senior police officer, while gunmen shot dead a general in Baghdad, the latest in a spate of assassinations of top officials.... MoreThe Christian Science Monitor has a feature on the former CIA director, now the Secretary of Defense-in-waiting:
How Leon Panetta could change Washington as next Defense secretary» The first time anyone's been inside the doors - The first press conference since the Federal Reserve's creation in 1913 specifically about the 'bank' and it's currently battered image was held yesterday by Ben Bernanke and Tim Geithner with every financial journalist on the face of the planet in attendance.
Leon Panetta, currently CIA director, is a close ally of Vice President Biden. But political realities could prevent him from adopting Mr. Biden's stance on US troops in Afghanistan... [More]
» In Syria, two hundred twenty three of president Assad's Baath Party members have resigned in protest of the violence against 'democracy protesters'. The violence has left 460+ dead in three weeks of protests.
» Clusterfuck before the honeymoon anyone? The British royal wedding party preparations are in progress. There will be five thousand extra police and one million (extra) tourists coming to London shortly as droves of Londoners flee the city for saner, less police state-like environs
In OTHER News:
On April 28, 1967 the reigning heavyweight boxing champion of the world, Muhammad Ali (at the time know as Cassius Clay) said: “I ain’t got no quarrel with those Vietcong.” (sometimes mis-attributed as "No Vietnamese ever called me a nigger.") and refused Army induction (The Draft) for religious reasons. He was immediately stripped of his heavyweight boxing title for refusing to serve the U.S. military.
"On June 20, 1967, Ali was convicted of draft evasion, sentenced to five years in prison, fined $10,000 and banned from boxing for three years. He stayed out of prison as his case was appealed and returned to the ring on October 26, 1970, knocking out Jerry Quarry in Atlanta in the third round. On March 8, 1971, Ali fought Joe Frazier in the “Fight of the Century” and lost after 15 rounds, the first loss of his professional boxing career. On June 28 of that same year, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned his conviction for evading the draft." More @ History.comPalestinian Issues At The Top Of Foreign Policy Magazine's Morning Brief:
Palestinian factions announce reconciliation dealOn the subject of the aforementioned 'Clusterfucking'... Did you ever feel like you stepped IN something but had actually stepped ON something yet it made no difference?
Fatah and Hamas, the two largest Palestinian parties, announced that they had reached a deal to create an interim unity government and hold elections within a year. The reconciliation agreement would bring an end to almost four years of estrangement between the factions, which began after Hamas's violent takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007.
The agreement was announced in Cairo, and brokered by Egypt's caretaker military government. It represents one of the first signs that the turmoil across the Arab world is having an impact on Palestinian politics.
The Palestinian factions offered few details about the makeup of the planned unity government, though negotiators did announce that Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, who is hated by Hamas, will not play a role. Fayyad's absence, and the broader implications of Hamas's involvement in a unity government, could imperil the hundreds of millions of dollars in assistance that the United States provides annually to the Palestinian Authority.
[In Full & More]
Clusterfuck Nation
The Banana Peel of Destiny
By James Howard Kunstler
April 25, 2011
That was a cute move by President Obama last week, calling out the "oil speculators" with a memo to his Attorney General, Eric Holder.
The President proved a few weeks ago, in his energy speech to the nation, that he doesn't understand how these resources are produced and traded. Consequently, the people he addressed remain clueless, but ticked off nonetheless. And the logic of politics now compels Mr. Obama to call out the dogs on... people who make money trading paper claims on oil?
Funny, he didn't show any interest the past two-plus years in people who make money swindling taxpayers via booby-trapped Collateralized Debt Obligations and Credit Default Swaps. Maybe those things sound too abstruse to get excited about - but believe me, it was a heckuva lot more money.
In fact, a case could be mounted by God's attorney general - if he has one - that Mr. Obama abetted a gigantic conspiracy in fraudulent financial paper which makes the oil speculators look like shoplifters in a Kentucky WalMart...
For those of you interested in the reality side of things, here's the scoop: The price of oil is going to go way up, and way down, and way up again, and way down again until everyone is too broke to ask for any, and companies are too ruined to go get it for them, and governments are too broken to interfere in the process.
The oil speculators are normal characters in a stressed market doing what needs to be done on the margins of "price discovery." The trouble arises when price discovery occurs in turbulent times and places, for instance, when people in a part of the world called the Middle East & North Africa (MENA, for short), start rioting against their governments, which has been the case persistently for a couple of months now - a region that contains about half the world's oil reserves. So interested observers conclude there's a fair chance that oil production there might face impediments to normal operations.
And indeed that is already the case in Libya, where some of the world's lightest, creamiest, sweetest crude oil has stopped flowing into pipelines and tanker ships. With protesters being slaughtered by the score in Syria, and Yemen's president about to get a one-way ticket to Palookaville, and the Saud family cowering in their solid-gold senior housing facility, and affairs looking sketchy at best in other nations around that neighborhood, speculators at the margins have called for higher oil prices... [More @ Clusterfuck Nation]
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011
April 27 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: In Honor Of Islamic Naming Conventions - 'Barack Hussein Obama the American'
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 11:02 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
» EXTRA! EXTRA! President Obama WAS born in Hawaii! Hear ALL about it! Including his flogging of the most recent Republican "Stalking Horse" who made an issue of it, AND the press assembled for the press conference whom he skewered for ignoring REAL ISSUES in US governance. The "Conservapedia" on the Muslim, NON-American citizen, Barack HUSSEIN Obama. More in the commentary.
» House-cleaning time at the top of the Military-industrial food chain - Leon Panetta, currently CIA director, will become the Secretary of Defense and General Petraeus will become the director of the CIA. More @ The Washington Post
» An Afghan pilot (said to be veteran pilot) turned his jet around at Kabul Military Airport and opened fire killing eight US military personnel and one contractor. And the American trainers in Afghanistan have said the Afghans 'couldn't shoot straight' because they smoke Marijuana. I doubt an air force pilot smokes it though, and you see what happens?
» Congressman Ron Paul has announced he will form a committee to explore the possibility of running for president again... Which is good, because he make more sense than most other Republicans. If he would only flesh out his immigration related policies for the more umn... 'rabid'... of his 'xenophobic' followers.
» It is the third week of continuing major storms on the East side, Midwest, and South of the United States. There have been sixteen tornadoes from Texas to the Northeastern seaboard to the Midwest with the reporting of at least eight dead due to storm conditions.
Updated... Bad weather continued during the day causing MAJOR problems throughout the Southern tier of the US. including a controlled shutdown of all three units at TVA's Browns Ferry nuclear plant in Alabama
In OTHER News:
» On Monday there was no news synopsis in part "Due to time constraints (Support in court for some friends)".
A follow-up on that...
"When Judge John Gallagher asked him (A prospective juror) if he could put his bias aside and render an unbiased decision he said "I'd just be sitting here, stewing, that I can't believe we are spending all these resources on this."
» Speaking of homelessness and poverty in America (With a note on yours truly's Juvenile Delinquent adolecence):
Homeless Rebellion In GentryLand
Jurors near revolt in Peace Camp Six Trial
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
by Becky Johnson
Santa Cruz, Ca. They swarmed the hallways, cluttered the benches, many clutching books in preparation for a long day. At least eighty public citizens who still believe in the purpose of jury trials ( or were afraid of facing criminal charges if they failed to respond to that letter in the mail) arrived at Judge John Gallagher's court to volunteer to serve to adjudicate whether the six defendants were guilty of "lodging" on the Courthouse steps last July and August as part of a peaceful protest against the Sleeping Ban in Santa Cruz.
Gallagher had the opportunity to throw the charges aside when Attorney and defendant, Ed Frey filed a motion to dismiss last January. Gallagher ruled that PC 647 (e) is NOT vague and overbroad and that the prosecutions could proceed. Judge Rebecca Connolly ruled essentially the same on March 4th in the case of Linda Lemaster. Lemaster will be tried later in May on the same charge, and, presumably, a different jury will be seated.
As jurors learned they would not be serving on a jury to try a child molester, a rapist, a murderer, or an extortionist, but on whether a couple of homeless people "lodged" on the courthouse steps as part of a protest last summer, they rebelled.
A kindergarten teacher from Brooknoll Elementary School started the rebellion. "When I first came to Santa Cruz, I lived in my van for three years. During that time, I was hassled, arrested, and jailed. There is no way I could be impartial in this case considering the pain these people are suffering."
The next juror to object said "I grew up homeless and my dad was a veteran. I've been hassled and harassed, and I'm hostile. They make victims of people. They don't help them out. You can't take a homeless kid and give them a $225 ticket."
When DA Dabkowski asked " Do any of you believe this is a case that should not be brought to court," another juror raised his hand. "I have a strong respect for people's property rights, but I speculate that the people charged here had no other option. This is simply a case of right and wrong laws."
The next juror who objected said "I not only object, but I'm shocked really. I arrived not knowing anything about this case and now find you want to conduct a two week trial? And it's simply about a group of homeless people being where they're not supposed to be? What a waste of people's time. It's a travesty really, spending this much time and money on this here."
When Judge John Gallagher asked him if he could put his bias aside and render an unbiased decision he said "I'd just be sitting here, stewing, that I can't believe we are spending all these resources on this." [More including linkage @ OneWomanTalking]
The Last Chapter In a FORCED Relocation Of An African-American CommunityNOW... about Razer's mis-spent youth:
With lights, poems, teens say goodbye to Cabrini Green housing project"Cabrini, once home to about 15,000 people, was a concrete reminder of the nation's urban policy failures. It attracted a lot of attention, partly because of its proximity to Chicago's exclusive Gold Coast..."SHARON COHEN, AP National Writer – Sat Apr 23, 10:30 am ET
CHICAGO – Every day at sundown, the gutted shell of the last Cabrini Green public housing tower takes on a ghostly aura as lights start flickering sporadically from 15 floors of empty rooms.
It looks like a distress signal — but it's really a goodbye.
This is the final Cabrini high rise to meet the wrecker's ball, the end of an era in Chicago, where public housing has long been a symbol of every form of inner-city agony: crumbling bases for vicious street gangs, darkened stairways reeking of urine, gunfire echoing in the night.
Cabrini had more than its share of horror: A 7-year-old shot dead while walking to school, holding his mother's hand. A young girl raped, beaten and poisoned by insecticide. Two policemen gunned down by snipers while on foot patrol.
But Cabrini had its happy memories, too: Block parties in the July heat. Special Monday reunions for old-timers coming back to visit. Girls eating sticky grape Popsicles, jumping double-dutch.
To mark the end, a Prague-born artist and teacher enlisted a group of teens, many who lived in and around Cabrini, to write poems about the project, the demolition or the meaning of home and community. As they read their words, a computer program recorded their voices, generating patterns from LED lights that beamed from 134 vacant apartments. As the tower falls, there are fewer lights... [Read More]
As a wee hippie in the late 60s I lived in a squalid slum building built in the 1800s on the lower lower East side of New York.
The apartment I lived in used electricity wired off the hall light fixture, heat via the oven, which conveniently had no burner element and just shot a long flame into the broiler area below the oven box. We controlled the temperature by opening and closing the oven door. The water from the sink and bathtub flowed out an open pipe into a trash filled back yard'.
You entered the hallway to the building at your own risk... preferably with a knife up your sleeve to fend off the muggers and drug addicts who might have been in the halls. No the building did not an outer door lock, or an intercom-buzzer system, or a surveillance camera. It was just 'open'.
The apartment had a up-close-and-personal view of the North side of Delancey Street abutment to the Williamsburg bridge. We paid $40 a month for the 'privilege' of living there.
On the South side of the roadway rising overhead, a few blocks away, stood a rather modern apartment complex of 5/6 buildings 20+- stories tall that had been abandoned and marked for "Urban Renewal"
When we needed a window, or some other item to keep our slum survivable, we would wander over to the complex and find an always open door or ground floor window into one or another of the buildings to salvage what we could.
Those apartments, even in their decrepit, fallen down plaster countenance, were at least inhabitable, if not eminently livable with renovation... unlike the slum we were living in which was already a slum in the early 1900s when my grandparents came through Ellis Island from Eastern Europe.
Meanwhile, that abandoned marked-for-demolition apartment complex was being torn down to build a police headquarters/precinct.
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011
April 26 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: I'm Relieved! I Thought It Was Just Me Who Didn't Give A Damn About The "Royal Wedding"
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 27:37 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
» Rough guess... the U.S. government got what it wanted, a destabilized Syrian government that's killing it's citizens. The US embassy has warned all US citizens to get out of the country as hundreds of people have been killed and thousands wounded in clashes between demonstrators and government forces and the city of Daraa has been 'invaded', if it IS possible for a government to "invade" a city in one's own country. WikiLeaks documents show that the US was running an opposition/destabilization broadcast station in Syria via Britain with US originated programming.
There's more at stake in Syria than just Syrian lives and well being, and the U.S./U.N. KNOW IT:
"Since the start of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) in Syria has registered 260,000 Iraqis - with this year's total just over 150,000. In reality, an estimated 1.5 million Iraqis have lived in Syria over the past seven years, the largest community outside Iraq... [In Full @ Inter Press Service]The US government continues to persecute the people of Iraqi, indirectly.
» We have another ally in or war on Libya as Italy decides they need a piece of the oil action from their old colony too. There have been attacks on the al-Gadaffi compound in Tripoli by Norwegian fighters planes.
» President Obama is talking of targeted sanctions against individuals (since he already has no problem targeting individuals, even US citizens, with Murder Squads), such as the Assad family of Syria... Meanwhile the UN has tabled all resolutions on that country perhaps because any investigation will discover the source of the turmoil is Western originated and fomented.
The first major anti-nuclear power demonstration in Japan's history has happened in Tokyo even as the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant, licensed by the federal government, but with a revoked/suspended state license, comes under siege from protesters. The state is being sued by the plant operator, but the consensus among the citizens of the state, who most likely receive no electricity from the plant is SHUT IT DOWN!
» London England residents flee by the droves as the security state clamps down on the city with it's surveillance state and traffic impediments. There's going to be a Royal Wedding, and for the residents of the city it's mostly a royal pain in the ass! The citizens of London who fled will be replaced by half a million wedding tourists for the next five days. More in the commentary
In OTHER News:
» If you consider this a direct threat and ulitmatum from the Republican leadership to the people of America and you'd be right.
From the Washington Post's Wonkbook. Boehner is saying he'll shoot the hostage... The US Economy:
If the president doesn’t get serious about the need to address our fiscal nightmare, yeah, there’s a chance it could not happen,"John Boehner told Politico.» This is NOT A Drill! Please make your way calmly and quietly to the emergency exits and do NOT panic... Thank you.
"It," in this case, isn't a golf game, or a bipartisan potluck. It's a vote on the debt ceiling before the Treasury runs out of room to cover our debts. Properly understood, what Boehner actually said is "if the president doesn't get serious about the need to do what the Republican Party wants on fiscal policy" -- note that allowing the Bush tax cuts to elapse would cut the deficit substantially, but wouldn't calm Boehner -- "yeah, there's a chance I am prepared to trigger a fiscal nightmare." [More @ Wonkbook]
Dollar's Reign as World's Main Reserve Currency Is Near an End - WSJ.comThis would be an excellent time to read Ellen Brown's piece on our military targeting of CERTAIN countries in the Middle East, North Africa, and the general region, in pursuit of destabilizing plans to take the oil exchange currency off the dollar.
"The U.S. dollar will soon have to share the role of the world's currency, argues UC Berkeley economist Barry Eichengreen in The Wall Street Journal. He explains why the change is coming-and what it will mean for international markets and companies..." [Sitrep]
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
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Monday, April 25, 2011
April 25 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: 'Shocked' You Say? - America's 'Shock Doctrine' Comes To The Arab World
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 13:08 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
Due to time constraints (Support in court for some friends) No synopsis this morning... Listen in.
Listen In...
However, in relation to the commentary there IS this "Syria Sidebar":
"Since the start of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) in Syria has registered 260,000 Iraqis - with this year's total just over 150,000. In reality, an estimated 1.5 million Iraqis have lived in Syria over the past seven years, the largest community outside Iraq... [In Full @ Inter Press Service]No rest for Iraqi refugees
This is NOT A Drill! Please make your way calmly and quietly to the emergency exits and do NOT panic... Thank you.
Dollar's Reign as World's Main Reserve Currency Is Near an End -"The U.S. dollar will soon have to share the role of the world's currency, argues UC Berkeley economist Barry Eichengreen in The Wall Street Journal. He explains why the change is coming—and what it will mean for international markets and companies..." [Sitrep]This would be an excellent time to read Ellen Brown's piece on our military targeting of CERTAIN countries in the Middle East, North Africa, and the general region, in pursuit of destabilizing plans to take the oil exchange currency off the dollar.
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
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Friday, April 22, 2011
April 22 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Addicted To Events - America's Cumulative Celebratory Instinct Begins To Overwhelm Us
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 27:37 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
[After the News segment, Buddy Miller has a morality tale for us. Courtesy of the respective artists, America's corrupt politicians who make playing songs like this on the public airwaves a must, and KPIG radio Freedom California... Earth]
Now it's Earth Day... Every Day. Or Else
... and it HAS been a hard day on the planet.
» President Obama was in San Francisco yesterday and 'saluted' a couple of companies who are developing solar power resources. Then he went to FaceBook's headquarters for a virtual town hall meeting where questions were asked and virtual shoes were tossed, and then to a couple of fund raising events around the city.
The president should have remained in that 'virtual world' where the drones are only seen in video games and people's lives and livelihoods aren't being destroyed war, toxic waste from America's outsourcing of it's most dirty industries and a failing US economy.
At one of those 2012 election fundraisers he met some people who aren't particularly happy about the Pentagon's treatment of Private Bradley Manning.
This morning President Obama met with 150 donors for his 2012 reelection campaign over breakfast at the St. Regis Hotel in San Francisco, California... and it DID NOT go as expected:
This morning President Obama met with 150 donors for his 2012 reelection campaign over breakfast at the St. Regis Hotel in San Francisco, California.» John McCain is in Benghazi Libya where he called the CIA-led rebels "Heroes". The use of DroneWars has been approved by our president (another "War President") and there have been air strikes in the city of Tripoli, a large city where civilians are protecting government facilities by surrounding them. Some say they're being forced to be there but it's unknown.
However, the event turned interesting when nearly two dozen of his contributors pressed the president in song on the unjust confinement and tortuous treatment of alleged WikiLeaks whistle-blower US Army intelligence analyst PFC Bradley Manning.
As the President spoke of the creative organizing that won him the 2008 election, over 10% of the attendees held up “Free Bradley Manning” signs and launched into a song entitled “Where’s our change?”
...Secret Services agents attempted to grab the signs," [In Full @ Bradley Manning Support Network]
More from Foreign Policy magazine where the headline as delivered in an email said:
Morning Brief: U.S. authorizes use of drones in Libya; McCain arrives in Benghazi -- presented by International Monetary FundMeanwhile Simon Jenkins at the Guardian UK asks the question
[You know it's true!]
The Pentagon announced yesterday that the U.S. will begin deploying armed Predator drones against Muammar al-Qaddafi's forces in order to break the stalemate in Libya. The first drone mission had to be cut short due to bad weather. Defense Secretary Robert Gates described the addition of drones as a "modest contribution" and was adamant that it did not imply a deepening U.S. involvement in the conflict.
Following up on their capture of a post on the Tunisian border yesterday, rebel forces claim to be advancing in the besieged city of Misrata as well. The rebels claimed to have killed and captured dozens of pro-Qaddafi fighters in recent days.
In a surprise visit, U.S. Sen. Jon McCain, a strong proponent of U.S. involvement in Libya, arrived in Benghazi in order to "get an on the ground assessment of the situation". McCain described the rebel forces as "my heroes." [More]
(What's the question you ask?):
"To (mission) creep or not to (mission) creep, that is the question."
19 April 2011» There MUST BE SOMEONE to blame! The Department of Justice has been ordered to investigate the oil industry for fraud and price manipulation as the price goes over $4.00 and it will most likely reach $5 by the 4th of July.
These humanitarians come to Libya with missiles, and an agenda
Rather than protecting Libyans Nato is prolonging the agony of civil war
Simon Jenkins
To creep or not to creep, that is the question. Britain's Libyan war is entering its most dangerous phase. The great lie has once again been rumbled, that air power can deliver any sort of victory. The humanitarian imperative is in full cry, swamping the media and blinding strategy with daily tales of horror from the front. The mission, confused from the start, is moving where such missions always move, towards ever deeper engagement. Why does no one see it?
The prime minister, David Cameron, faces daily accusations of halfheartedness and desertion from his new comrades in arms, the Libyan rebels. In reply he complains of UN "restrictions" on his freedom to "take all necessary measures … to stop Gaddafi murdering people in Misrata". His minister for mission creep, Andrew Mitchell, has been in New York waving the shrouds of dead Libyans before the security council and demanding changes in the rules of engagement. The foreign secretary, William Hague, offers the rebels "non-lethal assistance", which appears to mean flak jackets and 10 training officers to offer "logistics and intelligence", but not to fight.
This is war through the looking glass, glory sought from the blood of others. [Read more of Jenkin's harangue of the British government's warmongering policy in re Libya]
Can't you just imagine it... OilCo executives in front of congress telling them quite bluntly:
"Honorable representatives of the US government. The Saudis have been begging the United States to develop more refinery capacity for years. Don't think WE'RE going to invest OUR MONEY in capital projects like that! The oil is running out and we ARE NOT INTERESTED in developing more infrastructure in these times of diminishing resources to process... It would be infrastructure that WILL NEVER be paid off and we could not rationalize that to our investors.» Japan will spend $5 billion dollars relocating the people of Fukushima to a new area with new housing. No, not FEMA style toxic trailers, but newly constructed condominiums.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's not OUR fault your society is addicted to oil. After all we're just the providers of the substance your society so liberally abuses.
Develop YOUR OWN refineries if you want more.
Thank you.
» Senator John Ensign, a Nevada legislator, is somewhat off the legal hook as he publicly resigns his Senate seat today in a deal he made to prevent further prosecution... and it IS a sordid story involving Republican Family Values, Sex, Infidelity, Power, Nepotism, and Money... Travus has the whole story... Listen in.
In OTHER News:
» We're #1 -- Ten Depressing Ways America Is Exceptional» Finally, Dimitry Orlov on the REAL value of "Money" in the event of an American economic collapse:
America is exceptional in the advantages we’ve had over other nations, not what we’ve done with those advantages.
April 20, 2011
Recent research contradicts the fundamental tenet of American exceptionalism. A Brookings Institution report comparing economic mobility in the United States and other countries concludes, “…“Starting at the bottom of the earnings ladder is more of a handicap in the United States than it is in other countries.”
For Republican presidential candidates the phrase American Exceptionalism has taken on almost talismanic qualities. Newt Gingrich’s new book is titled, A Nation Like No Other: Why American Exceptionalism Matters. “American the Exceptional” is the title of a chapter in Sarah Palin’s book America by Heart.
And woe be to those who take issue with the phrase. 2008 Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee declares, “To deny American exceptionalism is in essence to deny the heart and soul of this nation.” 2012 Presidential candidate Mitt Romney insists, “The reorientation away from a celebration of American exceptionalism is misguided and bankrupt.”
What is this American exceptionalism Republicans so venerate? [Find Out @ Alternet]
"A particularly annoying question I am often asked and have come to hate is: “How do I invest my money for it to survive financial, political and commercial collapse?” The short answer is: “Nohow. Money will not survive collapse; not yours, not anyone else's.” But that answer is not acceptable, because accepting it would require a profound loss of faith—faith in money, a profound GötterdĂ€mmerung for a civilization based on the worship of money...
[Get your "GötterdÀmmerung" on @ ClubOrlov where Dmitry Orlov describes how "Financial Totalitarianism" works]
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
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Recorded & transcribed by Razer Raygun @ Razed By Wolves
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 and The Berne Convention on Literary and Artistic Works, Article 10, the news clippings, audio, and images used in this posting are made available without profit for research and educational purposes.
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Thursday, April 21, 2011
April 21 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: How Representative! Donald Trump... An Intellectual Moral Ethical Cipher As Stalking Horse
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." [Pop Out Player? Click Here] Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [128Kbps MP3 13:22 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Razer Raygun Says: ♥ Sharing IS Caring! ♥ |
In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.
» NATO announces that they're going to commit a war crime - NATO, who apparently have collectively tossed the UN resolution on the protection of Libyan citizens aside has announced that the civilians in Tripoli who are supporting their government by stationing themselves near military equipment and installations should move or prepare to be bombed.
Meanwhile, the old story about Serbian and Bosnian mercenaries resurfaces with a twist. Apparently there are claims they are being used as minders/police on the streets to maintain order and perhaps force the citizens of Tripoli NOT to move away from about-to-be-bombed areas, much in the way Blackwater patrolled New Orleans after hurricane Katrina and prevented people from leaving the city. The US press has of course failed to make that semantic connection.
» Two war journalists on contract to ABC have been killed by RPG fire. One, Tim Hetherington, was co-director of the blockbuster movie "Restrepo" about our war on Afghanistan. He and his colleague Chris Hondros were killed. Two others were wounded. This happened in the middle of Misrata meaning there IS fighting in the city now, as RPGs are not long range weapons. Slideshow and obituary at the Telegraph UK.
» It is the worst drought since 1917 and one and a half million acres of Texas are on fire. There are ten major fires. Two hundred and fifty two of 254 counties have fires burning... including one about 60 miles from Fort Worth.
» But he'll have access to Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Social Workers!
Yesterday the breaking news was the removal of Private Bradley Manning from conditions hundreds of experts have confirmed violate Manning's constitutional rights at Quantico Marine Brig and his surprise relocation to Leavenworth Penitentiary for what appear to be an INDEFINITE PERIOD OF INCARCERATION despite the fact-of-US-military-law that he HAS TO be arraigned within a year... That year is up on May 23 2011.
A senior editor at the New Yorker had a few words for the Pentagon about it...
When P. J. Crowley, a State Department spokesman, called the Pentagon’s treatment of Manning “ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid,” he lost his job. There have also been inquiries from the United Nations and Amnesty International. Perhaps that is why Jeh Johnson, the Pentagon’s general counsel, in explaining why Manning was being transferred, said no one should see this as a criticism of Quantico; it was just that Fort Leavenworth was really, really great—wonderful.So... The Pentagon THINKS they can isolate and disenfranchise Brad Manning from his support and legal counsel by moving him to what is known to most of us as "Bumfuck" and attempt to ILLEGALLY INCARCERATE HIM INDEFINITELY... They are Sooooo wrong.
He used the word “appropriate” about the move five times in a few minutes. (By coincidence, I wrote about the Supreme Court’s use of that word in a case about GuantĂĄnamo yesterday.)
That prompted an obvious question:Q: Sir, you said that there could be criticism or that there could be interpretations that this—the pre-trial confinement was inappropriate, but that everything was followed by the letter of the law. At any point, do you think—in your judgment, do you think that Private Manning, there was bad judgment used in the way that he was treated at Quantico; despite the fact whether it was by the letter of the law, that people who were running the facility at Quantico used bad judgment in the way he was treated?An unnamed military official who spoke to NBC did second-guess them, though, saying, “The Marines blew it.”
JOHNSON: No, I do not believe that.
I also know that I am the lawyer for the Department of Defense. I am not a corrections expert, and so I hesitate to second guess any of the judgments made by the personnel there in dealing with this particular confinee.
Later, the Pentagon tweetedMany will be tempted to interpret today’s action as criticism of facility at Quantico. That is not the case says #DOD General CounselHe can say it all he wants; that is not a hard temptation to yield to, nor should it be... [Read It All]
Rally at Leavenworth for Bradley Manning!» They haven't been the same since they left Ebbetts Field Brooklyn - Major League Baseball INC has attempted to take control of the Los Angeles Dodgers from Frank McCourt after he failed to make payroll in April. McCourt took a loan from Fox Network, the company he purchased it from a while back, but it was insufficient. MLB INC will attempt to appoint a pro-tem 'owner' until the financial details settle down but it appears McCourt WILL fight back.
Rally to protest the indefinite detention and unconstitutional torture of Bradley Manning.
Saturday, June 4
11:30am – 2:30pm
Leavenworth, Kansas
Contact: jim at indomitus dot net [More @ Bradley Manning Support Network]
» If Bill Gates is the antichrist then Steve Jobs is at his right hand with a phone call... Your Apple iPhone carries cookies that allow anyone or vendor with access to your device to check in and see where you've been, how long you stay, what you've done, bought, etc, via the phone, for the last year of it's usage. This function goes all the way back to the iPhone2
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)
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