Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 07 2012 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Social Archetypes For 'The Kids' - People, Places, And Ideas Of Note From The 60s

"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."

Cabale News ServiceFebruary 07 2012 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Social Archetypes For 'The Kids' - People, Places, And Ideas Of Note From The 60s

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Razer Raygun Says:
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A Synopsis Of This Morning's News...

H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
«o» President Obama is about to sign off on sanctions against the Central Bank of Iran for 'deceptive Practices'. This in the wake of Russia and China blocking sanctions in the UN Security Council against Iran AND Syria.

«o» In Syria, the government is bombing the city of Homs, which is apparently the center of rebel activity in the country, with artillery, and refugees are beginning to show up in other areas of the country.

o Robert Fisk has written an excellent article about who's allied with who in the region, and why Bashar Assad of Syria is not particularly worried about the revolt

o Yesterday Wikileaks released US State Department cables showing the level of US planning behind the current destabilization operation in Syria. Fully indexed at Wikileaks Cable Viewer.

«o» Eastern Europe is on flood watch due to winter storms for the last week with huge accumulations of snow which is beginning to melt. Three dams are already at overflow levels and one small village has been washed out.

«o» Iran's parliament is demanding president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appear for questioning due to claims of mishandling Iran's economy alleged by the theocratic end of the Iranian government, Elections are coming up where the hard line religious elements may attempt a power play.

«o» Obama's Deficit Reduction plan is stalled in congress most likely until after the presidential elections. That plan includes new taxes on the rich and more. Details.

«o» The Republicans circus will be in Colorado and Minnesota today with a non-binding caucus and Missouri with a non-binding primary... Despite the fact that these events mean nothing, they're still getting media coverage.

«o» One of our generals will go to Pakistan shortly for high level discussions about civilians killed in NATO drone strikes and perhaps re-opening the roads to US supplies that were cut off in the aftermath of a NATO airstrike on a government fort that left twenty four Pakistani troops dead. More at Foreign Policy magazine's "AfPak Channel".


This is Razer Raygun saying 'Happy Motoring America...' Enjoy it while you can.

And remember... Capitalism has a gun at your head every moment you're alive:


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Recorded & transcribed by Razer Raygun @ Razed By Wolves

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