Tuesday, December 20, 2011
December 20 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: The 'Problem' With Revolutions - Lori Berenson And The Peruvian Indigenous Revolt
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In The News:
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.
«o» Remember Lori Berenson? Nobody else does either... because it has fifteen years since she was convicted in Peru for assisting the Peruvian rebels. Now that she's completed three quarters of her sentence the Peruvian authorities are allowing her to spend the holidays with her family in New York. But will she return to Peru to complete that sentence?
More in the commentary.
«o» In America, the only 'advanced nation' in the world which does not offer health care to it's citizens, the Supreme Court has scheduled three days of hearings on the health care bill next march which will deal with some contentious Constitutional issues like whether the US government can force someone to buy insurance from a private company.
«o» In the wake of the West's supposed departure from Iraq, an arrest warrant has been issued for Vice President al-Hashemi alleging his involvement in death squads and hits when he was involved in the Hussein government. al-Hashemi denies all the charges and Iyad Allawi of the Sunni-backed Iraqiya bloc has been quoted as saying president Maliki is acting "like Saddam".
«o» In a new study it has been claimed that one third of all American males have been arrested and booked by the time they're twenty three.
«o» The Republicans have refused a deal on the continuation of the 'middle class tax cuts' AKA the reduction on tax withholding.
In OTHER News:
He feels our pain...
Who‘s Footing the Bill for the Obama Family’s Estimated $4 Million Hawaii Vacation?
The Blaze - December 19 2011So, just how much will President Barack Obama’s Hawaiian vacation cost this year? That‘s a question that can’t be definitively answered until the costs are in and the trip has concluded, but an assessment of the numbers shows that it will likely be the 44th president’s most expensive vacation to date.
The Hawaii Reporter has estimated that travel, alone, will cost $3,629,622 — a startlingly large figure considering the length of the trip.
And, yes, in case you were wondering: Taxpayers will be footing a chunk of the bill. After all, it‘s not cheap to ensure that the world’s most powerful leader is safe as he travels and enjoys time away from the grind.
To begin, the family is traveling separately, as Obama has had plenty to wrap up in Washington, D.C. before the holidays (i.e. the payroll tax cut drama). So, First Lady Michelle Obama already left for the family’s tropical getaway — a $100,000 expenditure, including personnel, travel and security.
Obama’s round-trip flight to Hawaii on Air Force One is estimated to be the largest expense associated with the vacation. According to the Air Force, it apparently costs $181,757 per flight hour to run the nation’s most secure (and probably its most lavish) aircraft. Thus, the total for the nine-hour trip from Washington to Hawaii and then back again will come in at $3,271,611.
And let’s not forget that a USAF C-17 cargo plane is also needed to bring Presidential limos, helicopters and other essentials along... [More, with links]
And remember... Capitalism has a gun at your head every moment you're alive:
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Tuesday, December 20, 2011
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