Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Veterans & The US Economy - Take The Day Off Brother... IF You Have A Job

"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."

Cabale News ServiceNovember 10 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Veterans & The US Economy - Take The Day Off Brother... IF You Have A Job

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In The News:
H/t to ChrisM my MP3Angel for supplying the audio files.

[As noted in the commentary, Travus will be taking a well-deserved Veteran's Day off. After the commentary Joe Paquin sings about a Veteran he knew and Prays For Peace (Joe was a Marine in Vietnam and on June 30 2009 lost his fight with colon cancer... Rest In Peace Brother. You 'did good'.). Well known folk musician Jim Page with some folklore about Joe here. Music courtesy of the respective artists and KPIG Radio Freedom California... Earth.]

I was deployed to Iraq 4x

5 of my friends are dead
1 of my friends is missing his arm
1 of my friends killed himself
I've been blown up 2x by roadside bombs
Hearing fireworks makes me nervous
I can't sleep at night

All so bankers and war profiteers could get richer

I am the 99%

«o» Police and the municipalities who pay them feel the pressure of the #Occupations - A number of cities are under economic pressure due to the nationwide #Occupies so they do "something". Last night Berkeley California's police went after the campers saying they were interfering with shoppers and are in the city park after posted hours. In Oakland they are trying to move the encampment across from city hall TO the city hall grounds (!!?!!), and in San Francisco's Justin Herman park the city has opened a skating rink... where the landed gentry may skate to waltzes while the campers and houseless look on.

MEANWHILE, at Razer's little piece of the #Occupation...
City attorney pursuing Occupy Santa Cruz in court Thursday

SANTA CRUZ - Members of the Occupy Santa Cruz movement have been told by the city attorney that the city will pursue further legal action against their encampment in San Lorenzo Park.

According to the organization's Legal Strategy and Defense Working Group, the city attorney called Wednesday morning to inform them that the city will ask the court to order Occupy Santa Cruz to appear in court for an order to show cause. That is, members of Occupy Santa Cruz would have to show why the court system shouldn't grant a preliminary injunction that would essentially evict them from San Lorenzo Park.

Last week, the city issued a permit limiting the number of tents to 50, requiring two more on-site portable toilets and citing a number of health and safety concerns, including trash and feces in San Lorenzo Park. The permit gives the campers until Nov. 16 to leave, a deadline which can be extended.

Members of Occupy Santa Cruz planned to discuss the matter at their general assembly Wednesday evening. [Source]
Wednesday evening's General Assembly followed a raucous demonstration in support of #OccupyEducation UC Santa Cruz students ("Why are there more UC managers than UC professors?") that shut down a local Wells Fargo branch for at least an hour trapping employees inside.

(I think it's the first time the SC County Sheriffs have had a chance to get their single engine airplane in the air for years, and there were bank security officials present, continually filming the incident for their InfraGuard friends.)

The results from the General Assembly so far:

A> Ed Frey (California Barred lawyer, who was responsible for the peacecamp 'homeless' camp-in last year at the county courthouse) of the legal committee seems to think the most efficacious way of dealing with the injunction targeting the encampment is to ignore it, forcing legal delivery on every single participant present, and others who might replace them.

B> There MAY be an agenda item at another time delegating 'agency' to the legal team to represent the encampment, but for the moment, it's been tabled, and it's unclear at the moment whether, at least Ed Frey, would care to take on that role.

In yours truly's estimation, if this is the case, this should be a job for the National Lawyers Guild when the injunction is issued, if they're interested, in coordination with the legal committee.

Yours truly fully and unequivocally supports ignoring the injunction. It has no more of a reason to over-ride the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution than the city's unrequested 'permit'.

Reference post @ #OccupySantaCruz' FaceBook Page

More background about #OccupySantaCruz response to the unrequested city permit for a 'non-commercial event' here: One Word... "Nuts!" - An Open Letter From #OccupySantaCruz To Santa Cruz' Government

What happened next here: #The1stAmendmentIsOurPermit - OccupySantaCruz Reads "The Riot Act" To The Political Cronies Of Santa Cruz California

"The Riot Act" on display at #OccupySantaCruz Information Dome
At the Geodesic Dome Information HQ

«o» Can you imagine ANY of these people leading your nation? It has been referred to as the worst presidential debate ever held (with 5 0r 6 more to go). For instance, governor Perry of Texas forgot one of the three government departments he was planning to eliminate and it took a cueing from Ron Paul (The EPA!) after Perry stood there looking stupid for almost a minute. Even the know-bodies of the GOP think his campaign is just about done.

«o» The Greek government is in the process of being dissolved and a national unity government will be formed under a gentleman who just happens to be a former officer of the European Central Bank. Meanwhile Italy is in trouble and will form a new government after prime minister Berlusconi steps down shortly. In the meantime Portugal has claimed it's bank is failing with France, Germany, and Britain refusing to put up any more money for national bailouts... nor will the U.S.

«o» No more "fuzzies"! President Obama is going to cut into the federal budget by dis-allowing the purchase of give-away doodads that promote government departments and their projects along with a number of other small actions that will save some minuscule amount of federal money.

This is Razer Raygun saying 'Happy Motoring America...' Enjoy it while you can.

Remember... Capitalism has a gun at your head every moment you're alive:

(And PLEASE try to keep your government from killing all the dusky natives...)


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