Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: An Islamic Caliphate Had A Solution To Sexual Autocracy (How Do You Keep A Male Dog Loyal?)

"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."

Cabale News ServiceMay 17 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: An Islamic Caliphate Had The Solution To Sexual Autocracy... Clue: How Do You Keep A Male Dog Loyal?

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Razer Raygun Says: Sharing IS Caring! Bookmark and Share
In The News:

Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.

» The head of the IMF and one of the richest people in the world is on Rikers Island, the Manhattan New York county jail with a number of resemblances to Abu Ghraib in quality of facilities and it's history of 'lost' inmates who disappear from court dockets and are stuck on the island until... He was imprisoned without bail after attempting to flee to France on charges that he attempted to rape a maid at a Times Square hotel.

» Just like the typical American the United States is officially 'running on plastic' as the current government debt limit has been reached. congress has stalled any attempt to raise the limit... Maybe the Republicans will relent in June and claim they've 'saved the nation'.

» Donald Trump has dropped out of the 2012 presidential race. He said that he could win, and that he could make a good president (but the network just renewed his show for another year...)

» The Japanese government says the damaged EX-reactors at Fukushima will be fully shut down in six to nine months. The UN is sending an inspection team and two more towns have been evacuated. According to authoritative reports one of the reactor containment vessels has been seriously breached

» NOAA has said to prepare for solar storms between now and 2013. Radio disruptions from the AM band to cell phone microwave frequencies can be expected along with electromagnetic pulses causing electronics failures on communications and exploration satellites

» Palestinian Spring - Israel is taking a new hard line on the Palestinian situation as Palestinians massed on the all the borders of Israel on the anniversary of their forced removal from their ancestral lands last weekend and made a 'run for the border'. Some have made it back into Israel and headed for the hills... They are being searched for by the Israeli military. There have been fourteen confirmed dead in the disturbances.

» Meanwhile, former Senator Mitchell, our special envoy to the Palestinian-Israel talks has quit due to personal circumstances. He was diagnosed with cancer a while back.

This is Razer Raygun saying 'Happy Motoring America...' Enjoy it while you can.
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)


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