Monday, May 2, 2011

May 02 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Osama bin-Laden - Fifteen Years Of Warfare And All We Won Was A Battle NOT The War

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Cabale News ServiceMay 02 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Osama bin-Laden - Fifteen Years Of Warfare And All We Won Was A Battle NOT The War

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Razer Raygun Says: Sharing IS Caring! Bookmark and Share
In The News: Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.

Due to time constraints no synopsis this morning... Listen in.

Listen In

However yours truly does have a statement in regard to the commentary and a couple of items that are apropos gleaned over the weekend.

In regard to the death of Osama bin-Laden:

Does this mean that all our troops in the region will begin returning immediately?


Nor will the drone strike in Pakistan's backwoods come to an end... Nor will the illegal invasion of Libya under a UN resolution to protect civilians we immediately wiped our 'foreign policy asses' with before we had even killed the first civilians... a family who had come to the assistance of a downed pilot whom the search and recovery team 'mistook' for Libyan soldiers (?!?).

Due to our actions around the world over the last decade there are people who now have REAL, RATIONAL reasons to be righteously angry at us. Murderously angry. The Iraq War "Playing Card" trope, with it's pictures of the Iraqi regime members comes to mind here. "Playing Cards" are, and have always been, the wrong metaphor. BASEBALL CARDS are a more correct comparison. Some retire... some get... injured, but there are ALWAYS new 'players'.

We're GOOD at making deadly enemies. Number #1 with a BULLET! There WILL BE more.

In this case, we've undoubtedly created thousands of "New Players"... perhaps tens of thousands, in the pursuit of one former CIA mercenary with a long history of distinguished service for the US, the CIA, and NATO in our proxy war on Russia in Afghanistan and later in our dirty wars on former Yugoslavia where he did yeoman's duty as a recruiter for the Kosovo Liberation Army.

The question remains... What 'turned' Osama bin-Laden and his soldiers?

How did he come to allegedly plan the attack on his former cash cow... The people involved in planning Western wars on Central and South Asia and convince his followers to no longer pursue hard Western cash? Was it REALLY his disgust with the permanent presence of Western troops in Saudi Arabia... a country and regime he apparently despised as much as the US government albeit home to the holiest place in Islamic tradition... Mecca. A place that the Saudis maintain police state-like control over?

It IS a reasonable possibility considering that ALL people of the Islamic faith must partake of a pilgrimage to Mecca to fulfill their religious duties ... but you can't just 'wander in from the desert' anymore.

In order to be a 'good Muslim', you HAVE TO take a 'guided' trip to Mecca, arriving with others from the same group, from the same country, with a specially trained guide, and EVERY PILGRIM ENTERING THE COUNTRY IS IRIS SCANNED.

The following image is taken from SaudiAramco's house journal... The article is entitled "Welcoming God's Guests", and what a warm welcome it is!

Click the image for the slideshow with commentary by SaudiAramco.
Haj - Saudi Iris Scan

For all intents and purposes this means if you are an enemy of the Saudi government, you can never be a 'good Muslim'.

You'd think the Muslim fundamentalists have a problem with that... and you'd be correct.

Did he do it because of US double dealings... tacit and overt support internal and external for Saudi policies... Or was it something else?

Food for thought.

On the topic of our ongoing wars...

On Friday, yours truly featured the statement by the Afghanistan "Leadership Council of the Islamic Emirate" regarding the beginning of their spring miltary operations stating that Afghan nationals who work for or profit from the Afghan/American government should make a note that they are being targeted as "Quislings".

The Special Representative and Chief of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), Staffan de Mistura responded by stating he urged:
"...all parties involved in the conflict to restrain from causing any harm to civilians..."
In response (and in its full 'short and sweet'-ness)...
Afghan resistance statement
Remarks of Zabihullah Mujahid regarding Staffan de Mistura's comments

Zabihullah Mujahid, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

May 1, 2011

The UN chief in Afghanistan, Staffan de Mistura, in response to the declaration of the Spring Offensive by Islamic Emirate, issued a statement yesterday in which he urged all parties involved in the conflict to restrain from causing any harm to civilians in their operations. I, as a representative of Islamic Emirate, back every move which protects the lives and property of civilians and would like to once again make clear the stance of Islamic Emirate regarding this issue:

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has always pressed its Mujahideen to take every possible measure in their operations so to avoid causing any harm or casualties to civilians and has repeatedly pointed to this very important issue. We made our position clear on this matter in the fourth guideline of the statement issued yesterday about our Spring Offensive in the entire country, which is as follows:
(4. Strict attention must be paid to the protection and safety of civilians during the spring operations by working out a meticulous military plan. Utilizing all proven military tactics, the operations will focus on usage of advanced weapons against the air and ground forces of the invaders, tip-and-run attacks, and group offensives, city attacks, advanced explosives attacks, effective group and martyrdom seeking attacks by warrior Mujahideen.)
The above standard is a part of our war tactic in which strong importance has been given to the protection of civilian lives.

On the other hand we urge Mr. Mistura to gravely advocate to all foreign invaders in our country to refrain from attacking civilians, their national and Islamic values and from night raids, which always result in death and injury to women, children and innocent citizens. This point should be sternly pressed to block their way of deliberate targeting and harassment of civilians so that the crimes of the NATO forces is not concealed or pardoned in your future statements while wrongly leveling the blame on Mujahideen. Such propaganda and biased reporting only encourages the invading forces to increase their transgressions which in turn damages the image of UN.

The Spokesman of Islamic Emirate
Zabihullah Mujahid

[Source, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Voice Of Jihad]... H/t: Uruknet
Just so you know... Uruknet performs a vauluable civic service to the world... "Uruknet supports Wikileaks hosting a mirror:". Visit their home site...

In OTHER News:

From The Center for a Stateless Society... burrowing from within:

"...a project of the Molinari Institute and dedicated to building public awareness of, and support for, market anarchism. We provide news commentary, related analysis and original research from our unique perspective, serving as a market anarchist media center."
"History, since the agricultural revolution, can be usefully conceptualized as an offensive-defensive arms race between technologies of abundance and social structures of expropriation.

Until the appearance of agriculture, human society didn't produce a large enough surplus to support much in the way of social organization above the hunter-gatherer group. Agriculture was the first technology of abundance sufficiently productive to support parasitic classes on a large scale. With agriculture came a superstructure of kings, priests, martial castes and landlords who milked the producing classes like cattle.

We now seem to be nearing the end of an interval of ten thousand years or so between two thresholds. The first threshold was the appearance of the first large-scale technology of abundance agriculture.

Since then we have been in that aforementioned arms race.

Sometimes technologies of abundance produce an increase in the social surplus faster than the class superstructure can expropriate it, and things become better for the ordinary person as in the late Middle Ages, when the horse collar and crop rotation caused a massive increase in agricultural productivity, the craftsmen of the free towns developed new production technologies, and the decay of feudalism resulted in falling rents and de facto emancipation of large sectors of the peasantry.

Sometimes the advantage shifts to the social structures of expropriation, and things get worse as in the case of the absolute monarchies' suppression of the free towns, what Immanuel Wallerstein called the long sixteenth century, and the Enclosures.

We're approaching the second threshold, when the technologies of abundance reach a takeoff point beyond which the social structures of expropriation can no longer keep up with the rising production curve..." [There IS a positive side... Read on.]
This is Razer Raygun saying 'Happy Motoring America...' Enjoy it while you can.
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)


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