Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 25 2010 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Stranded In The Middle Of The Road - On Traffic & The Change In Stoplight Timing Standards

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Cabale News ServiceAugust 25 2010 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Stranded In The Middle Of The Road - Pontifications On Traffic And The Change In Stoplight Timing Standards

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In The News:
Thanks to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the commentary and news audio files this morning.

Coming apart as we depart - There were 20 bomb attacks yesterday in Iraq, in 15 different cities, targeting the Iraqi 'government' military and police. More.

But will we ever REALLY leave?

Lets ask "General Ray":

General Ray Odierno speaks on CNN’s “State of the Union” August 22 2010:
“Can you foresee a scenario like that, that there would be some U.S. military presence, albeit much smaller, at 2020?”
ODIERNO: “Well I -- yes -- I think I don't know. I think it depends on what kind of presence you're talking about. If the government of Iraq requests some technical assistance in fielding systems that allow them to continue to protect themselves, some external threats, we could be here.”
See this interview for more including his view of Iran's involvement in Iraq and the potential that the US will keep 'troops just over the horizon' for the foreseeable future:

President Carter is in North Korea attempting to persuade the release of a US teacher sentenced to 8 years of hard labor for crossing the border from China without permission.

Yet another election day - The "Tea Party" Fails Fails Fails as John McCain takes the Republican nomination in Arizona. The "teabags" didn't do well in other places either. More.

Demand the IM-Possible - A top Marine general has estimated about 9 years more years until a withdrawal from Afghanistan is "possible".

As the US population grows older and slower there are new federal guidelines for the timing of stoplights and crosswalks, giving more time to pedestrians. More in the commentary.

Meanwhile, in Santa Cruz California there is an ongoing occupation of public space by the citizens of Santa Cruz displaced in the wake of unchecked gentrification.

Recently twittered: "Lighthouse Linda: 3 cops, 3 cars: 3 tickets at 4:30AM, one to pregnant D -with the threat she'll be jailed if she gets another tonight." (feed)

Yesterday's agenda with an update:
11:30 am pdt this morning - March to the police department to reclaim police-stolen property including political tabling materials confiscated as "abandoned" or "unattended".
Property is only available for claiming (after arrest confiscations etc) for FOUR HOURS EVERY WEEK! Two hours on Tuesday, and two hours on Thursday.

That's it! Four hours a week, for a town with a population of 55,000 and more still in the greater Santa Cruz area.

Put quite simply the Santa Cruz police department was unable to negotiate the return of confiscated property for approximately 12 people within the two hour 'window', and a number of houseless people will wait until Thursday or perhaps even another whole week to reclaim their important documents including personal identification, and survival gear including sleeping bags and clean clothes.


Here's the report from Peacecamp2010.

Here's the report by the Santa Cruz Sentinel.

A Sentinel reporter/photographer was present for about ten minutes during the 'occupation' of the Santa Cruz police department's lobby, and was not around to note that, 45 minutes later, and well within lobby hours, everyone was forced from the lobby and the doors locked, with a sign saying that the lobby would re-open on Thursday... Please use the on-site phone to contact an operator.

The operator ignored repeated requests from people who had already spoken with the property department to appraise them of the status of their claims, leaving even people who had already negotiated the return of their property without.


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