Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August 24 2010 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Look To Your Food Supply And You'll See There ARE Conspiracies Everywhere Around Us

"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."

Cabale News ServiceAugust 24 2010 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Look To Your Food Supply And You'll See There ARE Conspiracies Everywhere Around Us

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In The News:
Thanks to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the commentary and news audio files this morning.

Our enemies grow bolder as the situation deteriorates in Pakistan due to Monsoon damaged infrastructure. Cut off Pakistani army units and "frontier police" come under attack from the Taliban and Hakimi clan network in Waziristan.

The same is true in Somalia as attacks increase on occupying forces such as Kenya. A car bomb went off at a dignitary hotel in Mogadishu killing thirty plus people followed by a two hour firefight with al-Shabab fighters.

Meanwhile in Afghanistan, a Taliban ambush kills 30 workers on a road crew in Helmand province Afghanistan and it noted that 60% of Americans oppose war on that country as "The Wise Guy Who Armed the Afghan Mujahadeen...", Michael Vickers, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations/Low-Intensity Conflict & Interdependent Capabilities, appointed by President Bush, is reconfirmed by president Obama. Vickers will be in charge of America's worldwide secret wars (JSOC assassinations of US citizens, targeted drone strikes Etc), mostly against the "players" Vickers helped arm and train a couple of decades ago. (more on Michael Vickers and his 'war' HERE)

Is it a conspiracy? The "Egg Crisis" came along just as new regulations regarding egg production come online. More in the commentary.

A federal judge has suspended federal funding of Stem Cell research... again.

Florida, Alaska and Arizona's primaries occur today with the "Tea Party" Right going after John McCain in Arizona. More.

Finally, Chalmers Johnson has an interesting question for America:
"What harm would befall the United States if we actually decided, against all odds, to close those hundreds and hundreds of bases, large and small, that we garrison around the world? What if we actually dismantled our empire, and came home?

Would Genghis Khan-like hordes descend on us? Not likely. Neither a land nor a sea invasion of the U.S. is even conceivable.

Would 9/11-type attacks accelerate? It seems far likelier to me that, as our overseas profile shrank, the possibility of such attacks would shrink with it.

Would various countries we've invaded, sometimes occupied, and tried to set on the path of righteousness and democracy decline into "failed states?"

Probably some would, and preventing or controlling this should be the function of the United Nations or of neighboring states. (It is well to remember that the murderous Cambodian regime of Pol Pot was finally brought to an end not by us, but by neighboring Vietnam.)

In other words, the main fears you might hear in Washington -- if anyone even bothered to wonder what would happen, should we begin to dismantle our empire -- would prove but chimeras.

They would, in fact, be remarkably similar to Washington's dire predictions in the 1970s about states all over Asia, then Africa, and beyond falling, like so many dominoes, to communist domination if we did not win the war in Vietnam.

What, then, would the world be like if the U.S. lost control globally -- Washington's greatest fear and deepest reflection of its own overblown sense of self-worth -- as is in fact happening now despite our best efforts?

What would that world be like if the U.S. just gave it all up? What would happen to us if we were no longer the "sole superpower" or the world's self-appointed policeman?" [Continued]


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