Monday, July 27, 2009

July 27 2009 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Part Of An Economic Plan For California - Shrinking The Prison Budget By Prioritizing Prisoners

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Cabale News ServiceJuly 27 2009 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: The Travus T. Hipp Economic Plan For The State Of California - Shrinking The Prison Budget By Prioritizing Who Gets Imprisoned

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In The News: The California state senate and assembly have come up with two slightly different versions of a budget with the governor trying to trim the assembly version, closer to his own, down to $23 billion dollars which includes $1.2 billion in prison costs... almost 20% of the state's budget goes towards imprisoning people... How many are in prison for Marijuana? Hmmmm... Not finding any stats newer than 2004, when it was approximately 2.5% of the 275,467 California inmate AND parolee population. That's about 6,887 people incarcerated or 'on the leash' embedded in the California prison budget for a harmless herb that grows in ditches and waysides around the world.

The legislative focus for the federal health care plan has switched from the battle on Capitol Hill to the House of Representatives.

The federal economic stimulus funding is finally doing something worthwhile. In Hanford Washington, there are nuclear 'stew pots' sitting near the banks of the Columbia river... About $1.63 billion is going to be used as a cleanup superfund by the DOE, including employing the people to do the cleanup. But job losses STILL outstrip job creation in Washington, even with the additional jobs the stimulus will create.

Cambridge Massachusetts Sgt. James Crowley and Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr., a 72 year old Black man with a cane, will sit down to figure out who did what and with which to who over a beer with president Obama in the next few days. Gates was arrested on his own property outside his house for allegedly being drunk, disorderly, and shouting insults... refusing to allow a search. The House rethuglicans are 'resolving' various resolutions demanded an apology for the presidential insult in regard to that travusty(sic). Obama initially said the police acted "stupidly.", but has since publicly apologized.

Meanwhile, in our Afghanistan war, we are one step closer to not knowing who's winning. A key metric of any war is removed. The militant death tolls in Afghanistan... Begging the question, do they even care if they're winning? You don't NEED to win wars to sell weapons systems, all you have to do if global weapons sales is your primary goal is prove they operate to spec under battlefield conditions.

...and speaking of battlefields, "US Wars Not Going According to Plan" (Note: Tribune News Service, NOT al Jazzera or some Islamic militant site)

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Recorded & transcribed by Da' Buffalo Amongst Wolves

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