Friday, June 12, 2009
June 12 2009 Travus T. Hipp News & Commentary: On The Massive Amounts Of "Stupid" In The American Popular Media Lately
"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now." Prefer An MP3 Playlist? It's Here: [192kbps VBR 12:32 Minutes] Other Audio Formats Available [ Here ] Twitter This Commentary |
al Jazeera video on the Uighurs:
But... For now... it's Uighurs In Paradise, while the youngest Gitmo detainee get to go home to CHAD and one more is going to Iraq.
The "War Spending Act", costing rapidly-going-broke American taxpayers approximately $105+ BILLION DOLLARS TILL THE FIRST OF OCTOBER is hung up on a Republican pushed rider to the bill that would disallow ANY SHOWING EVER OF THE TORTURE photos from abu Ghraib etc. More.
Meanwhile, the Pentagon is in it's 5th review of Afghanistan war policy in the few months since president Obama took office. With some luck, and continued anti-war pressure worldwide (Sweden... Anti-War activists arrested during NATO exercises), there WILL BE NO 6th review... We'll just GET OUT!
UPDATE:No dice... We're waist deep in the big muddy and the BIG fools are movin' on:
"US Marines will exit Iraq by spring of next year"
(Did we mention they'll all be going to the Afghanistan War?)
[In Full @ Christian Science Monitor]
The internet IS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT. The French high court ruled against the French government's attempt to create a Three-Strikes law for people convicted of internet piracy. TimesOnline (UK) headlines it as: Top French court rips heart out of Sarkozy internet law
More, gleaned from a failed KVMR audio stream this morning:
It has been election day in Iran and the polls begin to close... There has been an apparent 70% turn out with a new political world unfolding as the young and disenchanted/disenfrachised (and the American Iranian community) appear to be taking over the bulk of the electoral masses with questions about the country's domestic social problems and the world's opinions of Iran's policies.
Their press shows that democracy IS alive and well despite their government's petty attempts at dissuasion and harassment... Press-TV's headline reads: Iran bans gatherings on Election Day, but they can publish it. Unlike the suppressed publication of the news (with MSM complicity) that the US rejected international OSCE monitoring of US polling places
"Although we were officially invited to follow the (US presidential) election, the message was not passed on to the polling stations," he told the Danish news agency Ritzau.
He said he had been personally refused admission at three out of four polling stations in Columbus, Ohio. [In Full]
In news of the 'nicotine addicted' and 'global opportunist' variety:
Now that they have the legal authority, the FDA is preparing to regulate tobacco products sold to the public in the US.
Da' Buffalo, if he understands how so-called 'black' markets work correctly, expects cigarette smugglers worldwide (We're talking large scale corporate mobsters with tobacco industry connections, not the guy down the street who tripped to North Carolina and bought a trunkful) to sell the more potent un-regulated underground cigs soon.
So... Lets give a warm U.S. welcome to America's new black market trading partners! A region known as major smuggling center for tobacco products. Central Asia!
Places like the newly minted al-Qaeda affiliated (and not too loosely either, Osama recruited for their "Liberation" army during "Madeline's War") state of Kosovo, who, surprisingly (NOT!) the US quickly recognized, and Bosnia (Think: "guys like Bosnia-based Russian mobster Victor Bout, who 'lost' a 1/4 million AK-47s when his 'airline' was hauling 'freight' for the CPA and Pentagon in Iraq" He also had connections to "Madeline's War" and albeit he was arrested last year by INTERPOL, his regional 'friends' will fill that smuggling vacuum).
[...and, after the commentary... Something truly... umn... stupi... hmnn...ingora... SPECIAL! Courtesy of the respective 'artists' (Jim Stafford) and KPIG radio, Freedom California, Earth]
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Related@ Technorati: Travus T. Hipp, Cabale News Service, KPIG, Politics, News, Alternative News, U.S. Foreign Policy, U.S. Domestic Policy, Breaking Politics News, Realpolitik, Republican Family Values, Social Justice
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Friday, June 12, 2009
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