Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 14 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Substandard If Not Subhuman - Jerry Brown's Plan To Reform California's Prison System

"All The News You Never Knew You Needed To Know ...Until Now."

Cabale News ServiceApril 14 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Substandard If Not Subhuman - Jerry Brown's Plan To Reform California's Prison System

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In The News:
Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files.

» The president's budget speech yesterday caught everyone who thought he was "No Drama Obama" off guard. He referred to the Republicans budget plan as un-American and said that there would be no cuts in Medicare and other social benefit programs as long as he is president... Which is a threat of a veto. That would be an interesting occurrence because it would bring publicity to the issue when the budget vote is due... right before the next elections. Obama also called for taking a lot of the 'contract slack' out of the military budget. Firedoglake liveblogged Obama's speech yesterday

» The Republicans need a new calculator - Today we will see the vote to pass the continuing resolution funding the US government through September with an alleged $38 billion dollars in cuts... The Congressional Budget Office has calculated the total in budget cuts at $232 million dollars. Tomorrow congress will vote on the draconian 2012 Ryan budget bill and most likely pass it...

» There are US nuclear inspectors in Russia again after a 16 month hiatus while Congress stalled on ratifying the START II treaty.

» In California Governor Jerry Brown has said he will reduce overcrowding of the state prisons by returning non-violent and low risk offenders to local facilities along with the budget for their incarceration. California's prisons ARE overcrowded to the point where the federal government has threatened to take control of them. Today the police officers, probation and parole employees representatives have endorsed the plan. See: California's Overcrowded Prisons By-The-Numbers (200% of design capacity a big enough number for ya?). More in the commentary.

This is Razer Raygun saying 'Happy Motoring America...' Enjoy it while you can.
(...and try not to let your government kill too many 'dusky natives' in the process OK?)


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